April Fools - Perfect Day for a Cover Reveal!

So, in honor of April Fool's Day I'm actually not going to trick you.
Here is the Book Five cover in all of its Nathalia Suellen created glory.
If you'd like to check out more excellent work by Nathalia here is her site: http://www.nathaliasuellen.com/

I am going to bring up the concept of false starts.
Those of you that follow me know I've taken longer to write this book than I usually do. To be fair I wrote the first book in another series in there and did all sorts of firsts on other things.
There is a roughly 24,000-word document entitled 'AbortedDESCENT' in my files on my computer because that version just made me writhe with self-loathing. The story wasn't what I thought it should be so I canned it. Not bad writing, just the twisted version of a book I wasn't yet ready to write.
It would be lovely to announce a release date with the new cover but I'm about halfway done with the first draft right now. Who needs that kind of pressure?
Not me.
It is coming though and if you're impatient for DESCENT then that gives me hope I've done a good job of hooking you into Cass and Silver's lives.
Bueno Bye!
See you next blog.