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I have decided to self publish 'Chimera' on Amazon in May, 2014.

The release date for 'Chimera' will be May, 2014. I could probably release sooner but I entered 'Chimera' in a contest so I can't publish until I know I've lost, lol. I really put myself through the wringer about what path I should choose and I realized that I don't write for money or fame. (Those are rare anyway.) I write because I love it and I really just want to share my stories with readers.

My life is fairly full and the idea of stalking agents and begging publishing companies to take a look at me doesn't appeal. You could call me weak or a quiter but I don't feel like any of those things. I feel like a writer.

Hopefully readers will enjoy the imaginary people in my head as much as I do. Thats all you can ask for.

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