I Had Dinner With the Nicest New York Times Bestselling Author Last Night!
It isn't often that an established (and busy!) professional, in whatever your field, goes out of their way to encourage up and comers. An event like this should stay emblazoned in your heart.
My Lubbock Writer's Chapter had the opportunity to sit down with Jodi Thomas (New York Times Bestselling Author) at Olive Garden and chat like old friends. Jodi shared her personal experiences and asked all of us that could make it how our writing was going.
Not only that but at the end Jodi bought us all dinner as were trying to buy hers. She swooped in, (an action that is likely commonplace benevolence for her because she's just that awesome), and kindly bribed the sweet waiter with a larger tip if he took her card.
SO, to sum it up, if you don't read romance because that isn't your genre you might slide on over to Mrs. Jodi Thomas's works and check them out. I happen to know she puts in an enormous amount of research on the times when she travels to the past.
And I think I may have found another person I'd like to be when I grow up!
A big thank you to Melody Robinette, who wrangled the event into happening.
Here is a link to Jodi Thomas's site:
Her most recent book RANSOM CANYON downloaded into my Kindle account this morning and I can't wait to read it!