I have too many To-Do's.

I am without a doubt responsible for my own disctractions. Lamentations about time and how it used to be so much easier when I only had to write and not manage a social media presence or whatever else a self-published author has to do, weigh me down.
One tends to forget that writing is in and of itself joy and heartbreak all tangled up together.
With CHIMERA, since it was the first book EVER, I stared with vacant eyes at the blinking cursor as I frantically begged my mind to think.
Way back when as I was writing CHANGELING I remember pacing and sobbing quietly in my kitchen about what to do next because I was afraid of the story.
VECTOR, ergh, VECTOR was a transition from one way of writing to another - it seriously felt like giving birth out of my ears.
PHOENIX, wellll, the first part of drafting went swimmingly and then toward the end my head began to run on fumes. To be fair I'd just had a major surgery and I wasn't feeling up to snuff but when I typed 'The End' on PHOENIX I instantly hated it.
Now I'm in this weird author No-Woman's Land where I have a trillion ideas and no drive to get them finished. Keeping up with Social Media and generally doing everything else BUT writing has become the norm.
I am the QUEEN procrastinator. THE QUEEN!
So today I'm blogging about my procrastination because that's SO much better than actually pounding on the keyboard to finish THE BLOOD KEY or starting DESCENT or drafting on FURY ANNA or plotting LETHE CORP.
One thing I DO know is that I am FAR too stubborn to let a little avoidance get in my way!