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THE BLOOD KEY (Cover by Ian Taylor)


THE BLOOD KEY is the first book in another science fiction series I've begun called The Wander Series.

I've been writing in stops and starts on it as editing, marketing and publication duties allow.

There is a part of me that wishes I weren't published yet so that my time could be completely devoted to writing. I had no idea what being published would entail when I began but YET I strove toward it anyway.

My advice to budding writers - slow down! It's okay to take your time. Time grows thoughts and ideas that turn into adventures on paper. There is no race to win. Comparing yourself to other writers and their journey will get you nothing but sadness.

I'm all about writing dark things, as you know if you've read any of my work, but I prefer to keep my love of the written word filled with lightness and joy.

Being creative is uplifting, whether anyone ever sees your work or not.

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